5 ways to use essentials oils aromatically

Essential oils have many uses and benefits here are some.

These are normally used as therapy but there are more ways in which we can make the most out of it.

In this blog you will learn easy ways to use your Essentials oils, get creative and find your own ways to use them.

We often hear about the benefits of the essential oils and how good they are for our well being, but apart from that, they are a great ally for freshen our environment, lift up our mood and relax! 

Our senses are a powerful tool that make us experience every day at it's fullest and the smell is not the exception, it's incredible how a smell can bring us memories, or make us experience something from our past.

When we talk about aromatically, we are referring to using the essential oils through the air, which is one of the most popular ways to use it because of its practicality.

Here are different ways to use them:

  • Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a spray bottle with water and use it as an air refresher.

  • In the bathroom, you can add some drops in the cardboard part of your spare toilet papers.

  • For that not so pleasant odor in the trash can, we can take a cotton ball and a few drops and place it in the bottom of the bin.

  • When you're about to take a bath, you can drip some drops onto the floor of a hot shower.

  • Make an effective car spray with rubbing alcohol, distilled water, drops of your essential oil and don't forget the spray bottle. 

At Sheló NABEL USA we have essential oils that you can use for any of the ways mentioned above like Rosemary Essential Oil U505, Spearmint Essential Oil U1007, Patchouli Essential Oil U1008 and Ylang Ylang Essential Oil U1009.

These are some of our favorite ways to use them.

Tell us in which ways you like to use your essential oils aromatically?